Nikka Takesturu 17YO circa 2013 43%abv


Nose: Oak, grated orange rind, fabric softener, strawberries, dates, honey oats, mild rose petal, scallop’s.
Palate: Hazelnuts, Brazil nuts, mustard, Arnott’s savory shapes, pepper, bubblegum, nougat, scallop’s. There is a unbalancing bitter element in the mix I’m not fussed about.
Finish: Nougat, mixed nuts, strawberries, bubblegum, some ashy dryness, ginger ale.
Last Word: Not mentioned in the above but it feels a little weak. I remember my first bottle being robust of nose and palate. This one feels a little watered down for want of a better description and the bitterness on the palate is a little off putting. The bitterness does tend to diminish after a couple of drams however.

Rating: 80/100

4 thoughts on “Nikka Takesturu 17YO circa 2013 43%abv

  1. Hi Brian,
    I know you didn’t buy the NCF 46% version released a couple of years ago – it was a bit expensive.
    However it’s a big step up from this standard version.
    I’d like to taste the sherry finish Taketsuru – have you tried it?

    • Hi Alan,
      I have a sample of the Tak Sherry, I think I might have had a tiny sip. Not enough to form an opinion as I can’t remember what it tasted like. Will get around to some tasting notes soon hopefully.

  2. Many people praise this one to the skies, for me it’s more a result of solid craftsmanship. A balanced review with which I mostly concur. I did not get the bitter element on the palate, however there were both subdued smoke and hints of pepper on the palate with my bottle.

    • Hi Pierre, no smoke that I could detect, maybe a lot less Yoichi with mine, but I did note the pepper on the palate. Enjoy your week ahead!

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